Mandalorian Episode 4: Santuary
Cara Dune and the Mandalorian
More Baby Yoda, Gina Carano and an evil looking AT-ST.
With all the pictures and memes on the internet of Baby Yoda (although not actually Yoda) you would hard pressed to not know about the Madalorian. The newest Star Wars phenomenon from Disney+
As of this post there are 4 episodes and I have thoroughly enjoyed all of them. The show, written by Jon Favreau, follows the Mandalorian, who is not exactly a bounty hunter but more of a lone gunfighter as it goes back to the space western feel of the original trilogy.
Jumping forward to episode 4 we have the Mandalorian trying to find a place to lay low with “the kid”. This refers to the baby Yoda all over the internet who continues to be a cuteness overload.
Just look at how cute he is!
The Madalorian or “Mando” as he is often referred believes he has found a quite planet to lay low but quickly finds another soldier named Cara Dune played by Gina Carano. It’s a fitting roll for her and she plays it well.
Not long later the villagers approach Mando to help them defend against local raiders. He eventually does and along with Cara helps train the locals and defeat the raiders.
This episode feels a lot like like a live action cartoon as well as taken directly from The Magnificent Seven
I say it feels like a live action cartoon because despite there being kids all over the place none of them get hurt. In fact no one gets injured at all. A group of farmers learn to wield sticks well enough to defeat raiders with blasters in the course of a single day.
That is not to say it wasn’t good! Just a heads up for those of you recently coming off high octane shows like Punisher or Daredevil that this show is by Disney and targeted for kids and to sell products.
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